
HySpex Mjolnir VS-620 hyperspectral camera​​

For applications requiring low mass, combined with high-performance specifications and scientific grade data quality on the full VNIR-SWIR range, HySpex Mjolnir VS-620 is an ideal solution. Sharing the onboard data acquisition unit and navigation system, HySpex Mjolnir VS-620 is both space-efficient and cost-effective.​

The VNIR and SWIR optical axis are coaligned in the along-track direction, allowing perfect co-registration. In addition to the high-quality hyperspectral data cube, covering the spectral range from 400 - 2500 nm, with 490 bands, double resolution data in the VNIR range is always readily available. With smile and keystone less than 0.1 pixels for each spectral range, the merged Mjolnir VS-620 data product will have coregistration/keystone better than 0.2 pixels for the full VNIR-SWIR range.​

Ground-based operations are possible using proper tripod, whereas flight campaigns are also possible using proper UAS (Hercules X8 - HySpex Edition) available in RSLab.​